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Mindtools is an environment where participants have the conducive ambience to the holistic development of their own system. Through this, what we want for each person and the generations to come is for them to have the capacity and resources to consciously choose what they want to do, at the same time to understand the internal and external mechanisms by which to carry out what they propose.


To achieve this at MT, all the methods we use include 3 pillars that we consider necessary and sufficient and at the same time present in everything that surrounds us:


Nature refers to the mechanisms that are in operation inside and outside of us naturally. It does not mean that what is made by humans is artificial, on the contrary, it is from our inspiration and imagination, it is something that creatively reproduces what the mind sees and understands from what already exists.

Through the pillar of nature, we want to highlight the functioning of the environment and the human system. The easiest way to understand/perceive this is to be in direct contact with the 5 elements that are part of everything that surrounds us, including the human body – water, earth, fire, air, space.

In order for somebody to manifest something around them, the fundamental necessity is that themselves, their own system functions in optimal parameters. For this it is necessary on the one hand to understand the natural mechanisms and on the other hand to align yourself with them.



The source of inspiration, the richness we achieve.

Every child is an artist, the quest is how to remain one once we grow up.



In order to produce something constructive, innovative and beneficial on a personal and societal level, another requirement is creativity. This is stimulated within the human mind in the easiest way through art, generically speaking. Here we are not talking only about painting, music or theatre, but about everything that is creation in general, expression of creativity.

Art, in addition to stimulating the creativity of a mind, has a “side effect”, that of helping a purely rational mind to overcome its limitation of thinking everything in pursuit of a specific result. Art in general abstracts reality and most of the time, it is generated without a particular utility expressly pursued. And creativity in the definition is exactly transcending/exceeding the limitations.


And last but not least, whatever a person undertakes, regardless of the purpose for which he does it, whether it is an altruistic purpose or a selfish purpose and regardless of the field in which a person is active, it is done with people and for people. In this sense, it is naturally necessary to understand the functioning mechanisms of interpersonal and social relations. These make up the third pillar, which we generically call community.



It’s always about people and among people.