Browsing through our website, please bear in mind that it is still under construction, in the process of adding and completing the information.

On the one side, our projects aim to test and establish new methodologies that can support a more holistic development and conscious approach to any educational process. 

In the same time, we are open to develop any kind of project that can support and bring forward the mission we have – empowering the new generations to know the fabric of what we are made of through enhancing their perception, while getting to know and accept the rules of society and dare to transform them if and when needed.


As you can see every project brings forth one or more aspects related to a more sustainable and conscious living, irrespective of where it takes place, either in a public or private school, a marketplace or business environment.  


At Mindtools School we incorporate a set of activities in a certain sequence, a specific mentorship ambiance and a curated library of resources and information, all put in a meticulously built infrastructure and aligned to our three main pillars (nature, art, community). Everything towards a natural and conscious education for youth from 3 to 18.


Any learner, regardless of their age, activity domain or the area in which they extend their desires, can find here in one place the most suited experiential learning opportunities for them.

AI in your hands

A project aimed at encouraging children and young people to work with their hands as well as the responsible use of new digital technologies, at school and at home.
We successfully piloted the idea and we are now in the process of expanding it nationally.


Discovering the magic of our minds – through play, experiences and connections.



More than a lifestyle & nutrition shop, BOON is a project which offers experiences and tools to create your own lifestyle that generates health for you and those around you.


A design lab that offers experiential knowledge and tools to create your own mindset which can further sustain creativity and constructive businesses.